Spotlight On: Donlin Gold, Iron Dog 2020 Sponsor

Donlin Gold sponsors for Pro Class Iron Dog teams.

The Iron Dog race passes through more than 28 communities as it travels from Fairbanks, across western Alaska and back toward Southcentral Alaska, ending in Big Lake. The logistics of covering nearly 2,400 miles in a week is mind-boggling, and the racers impressive with their stamina and speed. 

Donlin Gold has been a longtime sponsor of Iron Dog, and is particularly supportive of its direct-sponsored racers. They have helped four teams reach their Iron Dog dreams this year, and share a little about why, below. Thanks, Donlin Gold, for being such a solid, Alaskan-supporting sponsor! 

 Q. Tell us about your company and why you are important to Alaska? 

A. Donlin Gold is developing a world-class gold deposit in western Alaska with Alaska Native landowners, Calista Corp. and The Kuskokwim Corp. Donlin Gold is a proud sponsor of Iron Dog and teams from the Yukon-Kuskokwim region.

 Q. Why did you decide to become an Iron Dog sponsor?

A. Donlin Gold is pleased to support and cheer on four racing teams with ties to the Y-K Region. Their hard work, endurance, focus on safety and team spirit are something all of Alaska can be proud of, especially their family and friends and community in the Y-K region!

• Team 3: Steven Boney (Bethel) and Oliver Unruh (Anchorage)

• Team 22: Tyler Samuelson, McGrath and Jonathan Egrass (McGrath)

• Team 45: Barney Anselment, (McGrath) and Amos Cruise (McGrath). Amos and his girlfriend just welcomed a new son Feb. 7! 
• Team 4: Rob Strick and his son Forest, both of McGrath: Forest is active duty military, stationed in Salt Lake City.

 Q. How do you think the community benefits from the existence of the Iron Dog?

A. Iron Dog embodies many of the values Donlin Gold prioritizes each day: Safety. Teamwork. Hard work. Healthy lifestyle. Being outdoors in Alaska! And we are so pleased to support teams with ties with the Yukon-Kuskokwim who put in the year-round effort to train, keep their equipment in good and safe condition, and be positive role models to the youth of the Yukon-Kuskokwim.

 Q. What do you think of the revamped race this year, with the additional miles near Kotzebue and the Fairbanks start?

A. It is exciting that Iron Dog fans in Kotzebue will be a part of the race this year! We support the competition and excitement of the race, so long as a new or longer route is safe and supported by the racers.