Iron Dog Race

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2016 Prizes and Purse

The Iron Dog Race announces the 2016 Purse.

The Iron Dog purse continues to hold solid for 2016. Now reaching more than $260,000 in overall available prizes, we are very grateful for the great sponsors who make it possible. Be sure to check out the list below and say thank you to a sponsor for supporting this great race.

$145,000 in cash payouts

  • 1st place: $65,000
  • 2nd place: $35,000
  • 3rd place: $20,000
  • 4th place: $15,000
  • 5th place: $10,000

For the team finishing in 6th place, the contingency prize is a certificate for a free entry into the 2017 Iron Dog race for both riders.


$115,266 in available Contingency Prizes

The available contingency prizes include a new mix of rookie prizes and many of the same great payouts available for the fastest riders on the trail.[table id=70 /] 

Contingency last updated. February 15, 2016 - Added NGK prize.
*Denotes product or service value/ not cash. **certificate is based on the individual, is non-transferable and only valid for the 2017 event. All other entry requirements and deadlines still apply. Note: Cancellation from Sponsor does not bind Iron Dog, Inc. for award payout. Iron Dog reserves the right to cancel or alter program at anytime. Descriptions of prizes are abbreviated for the website and Official Race Guide - participants are encouraged to get full details prior to the Start of the race by contacting the Iron Dog office or directly contacting the sponsor(s) in writing.
Definitions: Fastest, means the least time, usually between checkpoints or shortest duration on the course between locations. Cash, usually means a check or other monetary compensation other than a product, certificate or service.