New Finish Line in Fairbanks


News Release                               February 25, 2016


The race will finish in downtown Fairbanks west of the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center near Griffin Park.Fairbanks, Alaska (AK). Iron Dog has selected a new finish line location for 2016, and possibly for the foreseeable future. Due to poor ice conditions near the usual finish line on the Chena River, the 2016 Iron Dog race will move its finish line closer to the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center. The first team to finish on Saturday, February 27, 2016 is expected to arrive around 12:00-12:30 pm.The City of Fairbanks, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Morris Thompson Visitors Center, Downtown Association and many others have come together to support the new finish line.

Fans, family and visitors are encouraged to attend a celebration village of sponsors and vendors at the end of Dunkel Street next door to the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center. Expect to meet the finishers of the Pro Class race, visit with a few of our sponsors, sample Monster Energy drinks and other swag items from Kendall Toyota, Crowley Fuels, Alaska Spine Institute, Alaska Ammo, Northern Air Cargo and Vision X lights.Kevin Kastner, Executive Director, said, “While we are disappointed we were unable to join the Tired Iron in our usual combination of events, the many supporters in Fairbanks have helped us make the very best of the changes. We hope this year opens a door for new opportunities to expand our events in Fairbanks for 2017 and beyond. When one door closes, another window opens.”The schedule of events:10:30am – 12:00pm    Come visit the sponsors and get lined up to see the first teams arrive.12:00pm – 1:00pm       Expect the 1st Place team to arrive1:00pm – 3:30pm         Meet the Pro Class finishers lined up in Griffin Park, get a snack, hear the war stories.3:00pm                         Merchandise tent closes3:30pm – 5:00pm         Pro Class racers are released from Griffin Park, more teams arriving5:00pm                         All Pro Class racers into Fairbanks, end of the show!6:00pm – 9:00pm         Awards Ceremonies (for racers, family, sponsors and volunteers) Visit and for the latest news and schedule of events.

 ###About Iron Dog, Inc. | 7100 Old Seward Hwy, Ste C, Anchorage, Alaska 99518 USAIron Dog, Inc. is a proud leader in the snowmobile community promoting snowmobile safety and outdoor education through trade shows, seminars and community events. Iron Dog also conducts student exchange programs and has donated $118,000 to Alaska charities since 2011.The Iron Dog race, presented by the Alaska National Guard, is a World Class Snowmobile Event that crosses the State of Alaska each February impacting over twenty-five Alaskan communities. Today’s Iron Dog course is over 2,000 miles, from Anchorage to Nome and finishing in Fairbanks, making it the World’s longest snowmobile race. Participants must traverse areas of Alaska’s most remote and rugged terrain while confronting some of the harshest winter conditions. Survival skills are essential, making it the World’s toughest snowmobile race.For additional information:Kevin Kastner, Executive Director, Iron Dog, Inc.Tel. 907-563-4414E-mail:
