Ravn Supports Education

Major support from Ravn AlaskaAbove and Beyond

Ravn Alaska, the Official Airline of the Iron Dog has been a long-time partner and supporter of our flying needs from Start to Finish. In 2015, they went above and beyond to facilitate an amazing trip for our Iron Dog Urban-Rural Student program.Watch the video produced by Brice Wilbanks and the South Anchorage High School media team. This is an overview of what the 2015 Iron Dog Urban-Rural Exchange students experienced from Anchorage to Barrow to Fairbanks.Since 2011, Ravn Alaska has been a key partner in making our student program a success. This year they sent students to Barrow, Anchorage and Fairbanks. While not on our race trail, the Barrow trip offered a very unique opportunity for students to experience one of the most extreme locations in Alaska. We also had a Pro Class team from Barrow recently, so there was a community connection that also played a part in choosing this location for 2015.The Urban-Rural exchange is a key part of Iron Dog's commitment to giving back to the community, engaging young people in event and opportunities that inspire and driving cultural, economic and geographic awareness to students across Alaska.Our thanks to Ravn Alaska and the many students, teachers and volunteers who make this possible each year.  See the recent press release.